
At Liberty Church, we consider it an honor to provide a fun and safe environment that benefits the spiritual, social and physical well-being of children. We are so excited to have your child join us. Whether this is your first child or your fifth, we realize that they are a gift.

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”

Psalm 127:3 NLT

The goal of our Children's Ministry includes the following:

  • To guide children into a relationship with God including an understanding of God as Creator, Savior, Lord, and Friend.
  • To minister to the whole child through biblical learning disciplines and age appropriate activities.
  • To teach God’s word.
  • To encourage and support parents.
  • To provide a healthy and safe learning environment supported by a loving, nurturing Christian staff.

Things You May Want to Know

  • Half-Time Break – Your kid(s) will remain with you for worship and are dismissed to our Children’s Ministry during the half-time break.
  • Spiritual/Mental Stimulation– This is encouraged through listening during class time, asking questions and reading, as well as, the use of Bible Bucks as an incentive. Our curriculum consists of a combination of lessons from DiscipleLand as well as stories from the bible.
  • Social/Physical activity– The children are given the choice of playing on the swing set, playing in the Wii cage, playing basketball, or playing a board game.

What Happens in a Typical Service

Kids come in and are provided with hand sanitizer as well as a healthy snack. As soon as snack is finished the kids are free to play in the following areas:

  • indoor swings,
  • basketball court,
  • board games, etc

The children then move into a classroom setting where the first time visitors are acknowledged, announcements are made followed by interactive praise & worship.

Class time is broken up by different age groups (4 & 5 Year Olds, 6 – 8 Year Olds, 9 – 11 Year Olds).

Any kids that remain after our typical service time (such as Small Groups or Congregational Meetings) will go into After-Care located in the Main Children’s Church area where they are allowed additional playtime on the games mentioned above.

NOTE: First time visitors: Parents will sign their child in at the Welcome Table and will be given a brochure as well as a tour of our area.

Our prayer is that each child develops a relationship with God, the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit by coming into a greater knowledge of the Bible by studying its characters, stories, and principles.

We look forward to serving you and your children!

Service Times


8am - Morning Glories

10am - Teriffic Tens

12pm - Happy Nooner

6pm - Omega

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